Cannonball Read IV

A bunch of Pajibans reading and reviewing and honoring AlabamaPink.

Archive for the tag “Superfudge”

Bunnybean’s #CBR4 Review #14: Superfudge by Judy Blume

Superfudge is book #3 in the series of books about Fudge and Peter Hatcher (I already reviewed Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing and Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great).

In this story, Fudge and Peter and their family move to New Jersey for a year.  Lots of stuff happens during the year:  Peter finds out that his mom is going to have another baby and gets worried that the baby will be like Fudge.  They have the baby, and it is a little girl that they call Tootsie (her real name is Tamara Roxanne).  Fudge starts kindergarten, even though he is a year too young (and Fudge calls his teacher Rat Face, because she insists on calling him Farley Drexel instead of Fudge).  They make new friends, and miss their old friends (but not Sheila).

One of the parts I liked best was when Fudge gets a new pet.  He gets a myna bird and he teaches it to talk a little bit.  He names it Uncle Feather and teaches it to say things like “Bonjour” and “Bonjour, stupid”.

Another good part is when Fudge and his fat, bossy friend ride their bikes across town to a deli and a bakery.  The problem is, they don’t tell anyone where they are going and everyone worries all day about where they are.

The next book is Fudge-A-Mania, which I’m sure I’ll write about soon.

You can read more of Bunnybean’s reviews on her mom’s blog.

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